Clinics We Offer

Nurse Services
You can see our nurses without first seeing the doctor for:
- Asthma Checks
- Blood pressure readings
- Blood tests
- Cervical Smears
- Change of dressing
- Childhood immunisations
- Diabetes
- ECGs
- Elderly health checks
- Family planning advice
- General nursing advice
- Minor injuries/casualties
- NHS Health Checks
- Removal of stitches
- Travel advice and injections, vaccinations/immunisations
- Well Person Screening

Baby Immunisations
Please note that parents will no longer get a reminder from Child Health informing them of when their child's vaccinations are due. Please click the link below for the vaccination schedule:
Breast Screening
The NHS National Breast Screening Programme provides free screening for breast cancer for all women over the age of 50. If you're between 50 and 70 you should be routinely invited for a mammogram. Women over 70 are encouraged to make their own appointments.

Cervical Smears
It is recommended that cervical smear tests are carried out as follows:
- Between the ages of 25 and 49 years – every three years
- Between the ages of 50 and 64 years – every five years
When booking an appointment, please tell the receptionist you are attending for a smear test.
Chlamydia Testing
Chlamydia is the most commonly diagnosed Sexually Transmitted infection in men and women. Most of the people who have this infection will have no symptoms. If you or your sexual partner remain untreated it can cause infertility.
If you are sexually active and under 25 you should be tested for Chlamydia annually by a very simple urine or self swab test.

Contraceptive Services & Family Planning Clinic
The practice offers a full range of family planning care and advice including the morning after pill (within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse). We encourage our patients to come to the surgery for confidential contraceptive advice. The Doctor also takes an active part in discussing and dealing with menopausal and pre-menstrual problems.
Alternatively please click here for contraceptive and sexual health clinics in Hillingdon.
Flu & Pneumococcal Vaccination
These vaccinations are recommended for patients over the age of 65, patients suffering from with heart, lung, liver or kidney diseases, diabetes or residents of nursing homes. Please contact the surgery at the beginning of October for further details. If you are housebound, a home visit can be arranged.

Health Promotion
Prevention is better than cure. We take every opportunity to check on our patients’ health and offer advice on healthy living. We also offer a full range of special health promotion clinics by appointment with our practice nurses.
Smoking Cessation
Need help to stop smoking? Book an appointment for smoking cessation clinic run by qualified staff.
Maternity Services

First Contact Practitioner (FCP) - Physiotherapy
First Contact Practitioner (FCP) - Physiotherapy
You can now book a consultation with the specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapist for muscle, bone and joint problems as an alternative to a GP consultation. Reception staff can discuss and book your appointment.