Synergy PCN


Hillingdon Health Centre is part of the Synergy Primary Care Network (PCN). The other practices within this network are Belmont Medical Centre, Central Uxbridge Surgery, and Brunel Medical Centre. We work collaboratively, sharing multidisciplinary clinical teams as listed below.

Central Uxbridge Surgery, Hillingdon Health Centre, Belmont Medical Centre and Brunel Medical Centre

Personalised Care Team

Personalised care simply means that you as patients have more control, choice and say when it comes to the way your care is planned and delivered. We take into account what’s important to you, your individual needs, preferences and circumstances. 

Choice plays a big factor in everyday life, and that should be no different when it comes to decisions about the care we receive for our physical or mental health.

Personalised Care is an integrated whole system approach that can lead to better health outcomes, experiences and satisfaction.


Care Coordinator - Monika Trzaskowska

Monika works alongside GPs and other primary care professionals within Synergy Primary Care Network to provide support and expertise to patients who are having clinical conversations. Monika's primary role is to support Multi-Disciplinary Teams to bring together multiple services around a patient to ensure that their individual needs are addressed through a single personalised care plan.


Social Prescribing Link Worker - Rachel Bulley

The Social Prescribing Link Worker is an integral part of our Multi-Disciplinary Team in the PCN. Rachel takes a holistic view of people’s health and wellbeing to deliver non-medical care by connecting them with partners, services, community groups and local voluntary organisations that provide people with a sense of purpose and belonging.


Health and Wellbeing Coach - Julian Meres

As a Health and Wellbeing Coach, Julian uses health coaching skills to establish one-to-one partnerships with patients to help them become more active in their own health care. Julian takes a supportive and non-judgemental approach to encourage setting personal health goals and actions. He gives patients the tools, support and confidence to manage their own care, and helps them make realistic and achievable lifestyle changes to improve both their health and overall wellbeing.


For more details about how the Personalised Care Team can help you, please email: or ask at the surgery


Pharmacists - Salma Said– Clinical Pharmacist

Purnima Chawla– Clinical Pharmacist

Rebecka Saunders - Pharmacy Technician


Our team can provide face to face and telephone structured medication reviews and health checks, manage long term conditions, management of medicines on transfer of care and systems for safer prescribing, manage repeat prescription authorisations and reauthorisation, acute prescription request, while addressing both the public health and social care needs of patients in the GP practice(s) that make up the PCN.   Available to answer medication related queries, carry out medication reviews and involved in the care of patients with long term conditions.


Phlebotomists - Lynn Seymour Kathyrn Butcher                 Jane Arnold 

We have a dedicated team of phlebotomists that work across the PCN and provide easily accessible phlebotomy appointments across the week at each of the practice sites.  To book an appointment please call your registered practice.


Mental Health Practitioner  - Aba Gaise 

Enables access specialist mental health support. Reduced waiting times. Prevention of referral into secondary care and support shared decision-making about self-management; facilitate onward access to treatment services; and provide brief psychological interventions, where qualified to do so and where appropriate. Aba works as part of the PCN Multi-Disciplinary Team. Providing a bridge between primary care and specialist mental health providers. She has access to a range of provider mental health services. 

Appointments are available through your practice from your GP or directly through reception.


Dietician - Kinga Dojkinowska 

Nutrition is essential for health and wellbeing as well as for the prevention and management of many diseases. Dietitians are the only qualified health professionals that assess, diagnose and treat nutrition-related problems. They translate scientific information about nutrition into easy to understand practical dietary advice to empower people to make appropriate lifestyle and food choices.

I am a Registered Dietitian with experience of working in a range of conditions including weight management, poor nutritional status, weight loss, type 2 diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, coeliac disease, cardiovascular disease and more. My role includes delivering individual consultations as well as group sessions to improve health and provide tailored dietary advice.

You can book appointments with Kinga through your practice.


First Contact Physiotherapy - Yasmeen Fraser &

Carla Thompson–Casas  

We are a team of qualified autonomous clinical practitioners, who support patients with musculoskeletal concerns. This service enables you to have early access to physiotherapy advice by an appropriately trained specialist. We can provide advice and guidance to self-manage your condition, refer for necessary investigations, advice on exercises. Refer you onwards if required to secondary care services.

Appointments are available to book directly with us through your practice.